What’s it all about
TStep 1 – Come and see what OsNosh Outside is all about…
On July 13th we’ll be putting on special fundraising event in our garden to give you a taster of what OsNosh Outside is all about, with plenty to get involved with…
A chance to find out how you can support the project, whether through giving, or sharing your time and skills.
Outdoor cooking and street food using produce from the garden
Gardening club with the one and only Lesley Wills
Wellbeing workshops
Share your idea for how you’d like the space
Step 2 – Help us design, build and sow the seed
This space is not just for OsNosh, it’s for the entire community to use and enjoy at any time. This space is for you, so we want to work with you to make sure it’s right.
Work with OsNosh to help design and cultivate our new sensory garden
Mural painting with a local community artist
Work alongside OsNosh and local community artists to decorate the eating area and create signs for our educational garden trail
Help us plant herbs and flowers, build raised beds and install the new eating area
Step 3 - Enjoy the space, and our summer wellbeing program and greener future…
With your support, help and hard work we will have created a new, vibrant green space for all of Oswestry to enjoy, connect with nature and connect with each other. But this is only the beginning…
Looking to the future, our new and improved garden and eating space will be…
The venue for our summer wellbeing programme, including: movement, art and cookery workshops.
Become part of our expanding educational work – helping to reconnect student to nature
An ongoing project for our garden club, who will help maintain and cultivate it for years to come.
a space for everyone in our local community to come and enjoy at any time.
OsNosh Outside - Growing the Garden
We need your help to develop our award winning community garden.
We want to work with you to fund, design and build an outdoor eating and teaching space, educational garden trail and sensory herb garden for all in community…
With you, we will to build a place to engage with nature, spark curiosity and be home for wellbeing.